Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

Where is Lagunitas Sanctuary located?

Lagunitas sanctuary is in Rancho Lagunitas Sustentable. Located in Tecate, Baja California. Find us on google maps for easy travels.

What Can I do here?

Enjoy a day honoring yourself in nature. Schedule your Reiki or massage to fully take advantage of relaxation. Go on a picnic, hike, meditate and journal by the oak trees. You can even host your next party here!

How to camp here?

Camping is available year round, tentative to weather. To schedule either call or email us or check the box for camping. Camping per night is $10 per person. Cash payment on site when checking in with host.

Can I bring pets?

No. Service dogs are allowed on leash only. There are a pack of dogs on property that aren’t accustomed to visiting dogs but love people.

What is sold at Lagunitas Organics?

Lavender and rosemary potted plants for your garden. Aromatherapy pillows, Aura wands, Blue lotus oil, Lavender 7 day aura cleanse, Personal healing sessions of Kundalini Reiki and Massages.

Is Visiting free?

YES! Nature is everyone’s home. We gladly accept donations.